Talon Wiki


What can I say?

Checkout the common commands to get started using Talon.

How can I code in different languages with Talon

Talon does not require special configuration for different programming languages, but many users have per-language customizations to improve efficiency. Checkout the section on Programming Languages in the Community Talon user file set README for more information on how to use different language modes.

What hardware should I have?

Check out the hardware page for microphone and eye tracker recommendations.

Are languages other than English supported?

They’re being worked on, join Talon Slack and find a channel for your language to see how it’s going. If you are in the beta program, you can configure the WebSpeech API for dictation in other languages.

How can I make talon recognise me better?

See the page Improving Recognition Accuracy.

How can I contribute?

While Talon is closed source, there’s plenty you can do to help:

  • https://speech.talonvoice.com/ Extend the voice data set used for speech recognition training.
  • Publish your talon commands on Github for others to share. Consider contributing back to the Talon Community user file set. Publicly shared file sets are searchable using this search engine.
  • Report issues at https://github.com/talonvoice/talon/issues
  • Add more to these docs :)


Checkout the troubleshooting for solutions to common problems.